MAB Adults For Sale

*Please read the Disclaimer in the footer of this page.

Currently we have adult Miniature Australian Bulldogs available.

Potential buyers beware of Mini Aussie Bulldogs advertised via the newspapers, pet shops etc.
No certified Miniature Australian Bulldog is sold that way.

For further information contact Michelle through our Contact page

“Litters are registered in good faith with information given by the Breeders. The Registry takes all possible care in establishing the authenticity of information given to it by individual breeders, however takes no responsibility for the registration of any litter based on information provided by the breeder that may be false.

The Registry endeavours to only register dogs of sound temperament and health and that conform to the characteristics of the breed. However, the Registry takes no responsibility for the health, temperament or type of any individual dog (adult or pup) sold via this breeding program or web site or on Registry’s recommendation. The Registry take no responsibility for any disputes between breeder and buyer nor for the content of any links to this site.”